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AutorenbildFechtgesellschaft Basel

Cancelled : Junior world cup 2022

It is with a heavy heart that we unfortunately have to announce the cancellation of our Junior World Cup in Basel this year.

We have made this decision in close communication with the city, which due to the pandemic development is not in a position to give us a recommendation to hold the event and we accept and respect these motivations and concerns. As organizers, we have the responsibility to ensure the health of all persons present at the competition and we feel that we cannot adequately address this responsibility due to the complexity of the location of the hall and the size of the competition. Since the hall belongs to the city of Basel, but is located on French soil, the rules and regulations of both countries apply to all persons present. These are not congruent and make the assessment of whether the participants and the attendant meet the conditions of both countries extremely complex. Due to the current extremely tense and volatile covid situation and a new virus variant spreading in France, we cannot guarantee to be able to correctly enforce the combination of both measure packages in every case.

We have been running this world cup for many, many years and it is always a great honor and pleasure to host it.

We very much hope that we will be able to hold the world cup again next year and to welcome numerous fencers to Basel.

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